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(UPDATED) Final Count: 381 ‘Big Red’ Parkas!

Big Red Parkas in pallet

By our final count this week, we have a total of 381 Big Red Parkas! That’s more than we’ve ever received at one time before, and we are doing the best we can to expedite their refurbishment. While some of these parkas are in excellent condition, many have seen very hard wear and need large repairs, replacement parts, etc.

While we had hoped to make the parkas available sooner, the process of getting everything refurbished is taking longer than we had hoped. These Big Reds are specialty items, and our goal in posting everything individually (rather than in a general, bulk listing) is to allow our customers to browse, read the individual descriptions, and look at the pictures to choose the parka that they are the happiest with. What we don’t want to do is create a situation where the parkas are trickled onto the website slowly, and each new batch of parkas disappears as soon as they are made available. In deference to this goal, we will be waiting to make the Big Red Parkas available until we have a decent amount to list at one time. We cannot say for sure when this will happen at this time, but we will post an update as soon as we know ourselves.

1 thought on “(UPDATED) Final Count: 381 ‘Big Red’ Parkas!

  1. Such great news! And great idea on deferring the release. Looking forward to it! Thanks for all the hard work

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